Nikkor lenses


Below you may find all relevant information on any Nikkor lens made for Nikon cameras (film, movie, TV, cine, digital), projectors and enlargers.

Note: As there are no manual focus lenses featuring vibration reduction (VR) all VR lenses are reviewed in a separate chapter in the Nikkor AF-SLR section. Lenses for the Nikon 1-series with VR are reviewed in the CX-Nikkor lenses section!

Nikkor lens technology explained (YouTube)

General lens information

All about crop factor

Nikkor RF (rangefinder camera) lenses

Nikkor MF-SLR (manual focus reflex) lenses

Nikkor AF-SLR (auto focus reflex) lenses

Nikkor-Z lenses

CX-Nikkor lenses

Nikkor APS (IX-Nikkor) lenses

Nikkorex lenses

UW-Nikkor (underwater) lenses

QV-Nikkor lenses

Nikkor Medium Format lenses

Nikkor Large Format lenses

Nikkor Enlarging lenses

Nikkor Teleconverter lenses

Nikkor converter lenses (for Nikkorex & Coolpix)

Nikkor Cine- and TV-lenses

Nikkor Projection lenses

Nikkor Special Purpose lenses

Nikon Amusing Lenses

Nikon lens hoods

Nikon lens filters


Home made Nikon lens combinations!